الأحد، 18 سبتمبر 2011

مقدمة بسيطة عن windows phone 7 application development

يا ترى كام واحد مننا معاه موبايل زى ده ؟؟؟  

طيب كام واحد يعرف حد معاه موبايل زى ده ؟؟؟

طيب تمام .. اكيد لو معاك موبايل زى ده بتحتاج تنزل عليه العاب مثلا .. او برامج معينة ( الة حاسبة – خريطة – برنامج سيرش .... الخ )

انت كدة بتفكر ك user

طيب تعالى بقا نفكر ك developer ... ونحاول نعمل احنا الابليكيشنز والبرامج دى ..

ازااااااااى بقا ؟؟؟

هاقولك ازاى

الاول فى خطوتين لازم تعملهم :

1- تنزل visual studio 2010
2- تنزل windows phone 7 sdk وتسطبه


تنزل Microsoft expression blend

طيب نزلتهم وبعديييييييين ؟؟؟

امشى معايا بقا الخطوات البسيطة دى :

1- افتح الvisual studio
2- اختار new project
3- اختار Silverlight for windows phone وبعدين windows phone application

4- هتطلعلك الشاشة دى :

ودلوقتى بقا تقدر تبدا شغل وتعمل ابليكيشنز برااااااااحتك علىwp7

ده فيديو بالعربى ( اول فيديو ليا .. يارب يعجبكو :D ) هتلاقوا فيه ابليكيشن بسيط كدة 

و ده ابليكيشن تانى بردو بالعربى 

الأربعاء، 14 سبتمبر 2011

Introduction to Cloud computing ( Part 2 )

mmm Now, as  developers, we should know the layers of cloud. Cloud computing consists of three layers: Infrastructure as a service (Iaas), Platform as a service(Paas) & Software as a service( Saas) ... ok , lets know what are these layers ?

In IaaS, cpu, grids or clusters, virtualized servers, memory, networks, storage and systems software are delivered as a service.

PaaS provides virtualized servers on which users can run applications, or develop new ones, without having to worry about maintaining the operating systems, server hardware, load balancing or computing capacity. Well known examples include Microsoft’s Azure

SaaS is software that is developed and hosted by the SaaS vendor and which the end user accesses over the Internet.


There is an important thing we should all know :

&& Cloud computing is a concept not a technology &&


Lets see what have been said about cloud computing :

Cloud computing is :

“Moving computing and data away from desktop & portable PC and simply displaying the results of computing that takes place in a centralized location and is then transmitted via the internet to the user’s screen.” John Markoff – a Journalist.

“The trend towards online services that runs in a web browser and store user’s information in a provider’s data center.” Workshop Announcement

“A computer paradigm shift where computing is moved away from personal computer or an individual application server to a cloud of computers.” Wikipedia.

 “The idea of relying on the web-based applications and storing data in the cloud of the internet.” MIT Technology Review.

 “We’re all in” Steve Ballmer talking about cloud computing– Microsoft CEO



wait for part 3 ( introduction to windows Azure ) 

الثلاثاء، 13 سبتمبر 2011

Introduction to Cloud computing (Part 1)

Finally, I  know how to make a program on cloud ... but First, lets know what is this cloud ??? 

 Cloud computing refers to the delivery of scalable IT resources over the internet, as opposed to hosting and operating those resources locally, such as on a college or university network. Those resources can include applications and services, as well as the infrastructure on which they operate

By deploying IT infrastructure and services over the network, an organization can purchase these resources on an as-needed basis and avoid the capital costs of software and hardware

This is what I said when I have been asked in the inteview , but let us simplify it : Imagine that you have a business , your job started growing up , more customers accessing your website , so you need more servers to be able to serve all of them . For the first time it may not be a problem but after a while your customers will increase more and more ... and you will need more servers to serve them , which means you need a place, cost, technical department ,...... etc. It is not easy at all , mmmm and so what??? 

The solution is here !!!! ... yea , you can use the cloud.

We can use high possibilities without needing to buy new servers ,just by putting your website on the cloud like a web server and the people are going to visit your website , and you can scale up your website as you need. 


Lets talk about power of cloud :

Possibility of expansion and development : all you need it to enter, change sittings and in seconds you will get what you need.

Cost : you don't have a monthly payment, just pay for the service, and you dont have to worry about the cost of hardware and software.

Not rely on place or tool : yea, you can enter the cloud from any place and any device, all you need is an internet connection.

User is far from technical problems , maintainance and development problems.you just use it .

Not losing data : because your data is kept in more than one place in the world.

And Finally , benefit from high specifications of device in remote cloud.

wait for part two ....

الأحد، 11 سبتمبر 2011

My First application on WP7

Hi all , I am very happy today .... ^___^

Two days ago, I came from my first training in Microsoft , it was great

We had an assignment to make a windows phone 7 application, I was so interested when I was in the session and saw Mohammed Adel , he is really a great MSP developer

First, I had an idea to make an application to add, sub, divide& multiply two numbers. Second, I started writing the code , then I tried running it on the emulator, I had some problems , tried to fixed them , tried many times and every time there is a different problem ..... again and again.

Finally, I have my first application on WP7, it is so simple but it is a step forward...